Thursday, November 16, 2006

You know...

The true value of voting is that everyone knows how everyone feels. It is instructive to the individual and powerful to the group. The _moral_ message among the herd was this: "These animals make us want to barf and we want them gone like now." That is really worth as much as the _counting_ of the votes and the resulting political change. The "moral" of the story was worth more than the details therein.


Telephone polls and the like are essentially a taking of the vote. Polls are also privately contracted. XYZ Broadcaster hires Jimmie Wong's Polling Outfit to see how people feel about a topic. XYZ Broadcaster then broadcasts the results. The whole human group then knows how everyone else feels. This is a necessary and powerful bond among humans.

You should not allow government to have anything to do with the administering of elections. Because the corporate and legal mechanisms will be installed to influence those elections. Bad idea.

All polls and elections should be handled by perfectly open, sun shiney, polling outfits in the marketplace. Their methods will conform to accepted practices and are plainly visible to all. No one can cheat.

Problem solved. No more voting dilemma. It gets handled privately.

The _people_ will tell the _government_ just who will be in the government. Get it?