Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It does no good to strike at states.

An attack on Iran would serve no purpose. States everywhere are dying. They're an economic anachronism. They no longer have a monopoly on the exercise of force. Witness the non-government of Iraq. The people just ignore it.

An attack on Iran merely seals Israel's fate.

My advice: Don't buy real estate in Palestine.

If you care to examinine the informational matrix, you will see that the demise of Israel is a foregone conclusion. It can't be changed. Don't fight its demise. It's a waste of energy. Fighting it will only cause more grief for Jew and Muslim alike.

The only unknown at this point is the future standing of Jews. And that is entirely within their hands: The loss of Israel but the saving of Jewish reputation, or the loss of both. This is the only remaining unknown.

The war mongers know this. So any military action against Iran is proof that the goal of the war makers is not the standing of Jews, but the spreading of chaos in this power nexus. This is proof that "Israel" is not the Jewish homeland. See?

The evidence of your own duping will come soon...


The "informational matrix" is my name for the four-dimensional interplay of information, that is, of energy. When you learn to look at information this way, you can see that Israel's collapse cannot be avoided. This informational matrix sometimes appears as colored light or as sound in the mind of the contemplator of it.