Monday, October 23, 2006

OK. More on my epistemological uncertainty.

How does one know things?

I have been doing a text-based show for about two years now.

When I moved to New York, I would read the Orlando papers' websites. I was lonesome for Orlando.

I started to notice that the odd turn of a phrase I might use, or the resurrection of some long-thought-dead treasure I had spoken, would turn up in other papers.

I would think, "Since no one uses this construction but me, and if I happened to see in it print a mere two days after I had used this archaic expression, then I suspect that this person is reading my material."

That was how I gauged the size and composition of my audience. I tailored the material accordingly.

My question to myself recently was, "What empirical evidence do you have for your fantastical belief that you have world leaders in your audience? That certainly seems grand."

...I cannot truly know that anyone reads this blog.

But if someone does, then the construction of the show is such that it would result in attracting world leaders to join the audience.

And if I have world leaders in my show, then I could truly save the world.

So I want to pretend that someone is seeing my show.