Monday, September 04, 2006

Do you think so?

"Three weeks after a cease-fire ended Israel's monthlong war against Hezbollah guerrillas, Israel is increasingly concerned that government officials and army officers traveling abroad could face war crimes charges, a Foreign Ministry official said Monday."


You announced to the world that your new name was The Troglodytes...and you...expect to go free?

Do you understand that everyone hates Jews? Not because of who you are... It's because of what you do: You lie constantly. Or, more precisely, your self-appointed representative Israel lies do its agents... ...but since criticizing Israel is criticizing Jewry --according to the Israeli types' logic-- then we can't help but to hate all Jews... Do you see the true consequences of their logic?

Israel is smearing Jewry with feces. And should a Jew protest this smear, he gets called an AutoHater. And, predictably enough, the meek little Jew shuts his mouth.

Israel is a colony for the purpose of controlling a power locus of the world. Its architects and beneficiaries are not Jewish. You? You're just the indigenous usual...and you stink like shit.


AutoHater, like all words in my RidicuLexicon, is an advertising term.