Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Allie, stop showboating.

Reference Alert


I read your erudite speech before the World Affairs Council. My compliments to your speechwriter... You mean the Commies are investigating me? Well, that would stand to reason...

Make sure you investigate my 4.0 evals from the military. And see if you can find the video of my re-enlistment ceremony, where I pledged to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. (And, yeah, that's you, as evidenced by your legal legerdemain.)

And you might want to stop reading my material; yours is starting to borrow too heavily from my style. It doesn't, you know, look good.

You know your peers ridicule you when you leave the room, right? They, too, call you Chief Legal Sophist Alberto Gonzalez.

You don't know the first thing about law. Legal mechanisms, yes. Law, no. This is fitting, considering that you preside over the most lawless Justice Department this country has had the misfortune of knowing.

You are the very antithesis of law. So I wear it as a badge of legitimacy that you have selected me for investigation.

In the end, Allie, it doesn't matter. I am small and powerless and can effect little change, remember?

In the end, I win.

Go ahead, Fuckwad. Make me famous. Help me deliver my payload in time.

I have an incentive to succeed: I burned my ship.