Monday, November 20, 2006

Select: Our Situation

[This is a Select piece. If you are not a world leader, please leave. If you are not a world leader and you choose to stay, you will remain silent; you are not part of the target audience. The material contained herein is not to be regarded to detract from the emotional tenor of my show or affect its arc. The words in a Select piece exist outside of my show. Note to Select members: I pledge to always remain sober during the writing of these Select pieces. I will reserve communing with my Lord for other pieces.]

I have seized this stage because I am very displeased with your performance. Some more than others...

What's our situation?

An energy outpost is causing problems in the world. This energy outpost is the creation of non-Jews. I call them the moneychangers. They like the money. Little shiny bits of shininess. Dollops of 3-space energy. They use their moneychanging skills to manipulate the governments of nations. They kill people and ruin societies for money. Money is their god. In God they trust...

The ProductName of this outpost is "Israel." This name has been stolen from the Jews. The outpost is not Israel. It is _called_ Israel for product positioning purposes. The Jews have been the victims of a cruel bait-and-switch operation.

9-11 was executed by unlawful elements of the militaries, intelligence agencies, and civilian officers of the United States, Israel, and perhaps the UK, among perhaps others. You all have better intelligence on this than I do. I know enough to know what's happening.

The United States executive branch is infested with 9-11 actors.

The plan of the moneychangers was a global dictatorship. It is an efficient form of governance. The problem is that in a system of control, all manner of savagery occurs. Imagine Abu Ghraib on a global scale. As you can imagine, I will not permit this. I truly would rather see the deaths of all living generations than the enslavement of all future ones. It is part of my calculus. Make no mistake about that...

The world is on the brink of destruction. You are poisoning yourselves. You must stop fighting over resources. At some point, I will tell you how you can access all the energy you could possibly need. Start by reading Bearden's book, "Energy from the Vacuum."

OK. Iraq is lost. The US has no power-projecting ability. None. (Power is no longer projected using aircraft carriers when they may be sunk by weapons against which there is no defense.) Please stop kidding yourselves.

The United States, as an empire, is finished. It's broken. Forget any notions of having any influence in the world. You started with a republic, you managed to fashion yourselves an empire, and now you've lost both.

The US has maintained the value of its fiat currency by forcing that oil be denominated in dollars. This is an exporting of inflation. It's been good while it lasted, but it's now over. The US now has no ability to force the denominating of oil in dollars. The dollar will be dumped. For a stable transition to the next order, I would ask that this dumping not occur precipitously.

I am extremely angry with Israel and its domestic Jewish agents. Yes, the Jews deserve a homeland. It will not, however, be in a choice neighborhood. They've squandered any claim to Palestine by their reprehensible behavior.

The police state in America will be dismantled. I will not budge on that demand. If I do not get what I want, I will ask that everyone dump the dollar immediately. So please do not do so of your own accord; this is my only bargaining chip.

I think everyone's agreed that Syria and Iran will now divide Iraq. The sooner the better. Plan well, but please do not delay. I weep at the savagery that has been wrought there.

Now that we know that Israel is behind most US troops' deaths, the US military might find it useful to contain Israel.

US troops will stand down. Add a few more if you like, but know your true enemy.

Iran may find it useful to concede to whatever trumped-up demand regarding its nuclear program. What's Cheney's (Israel's) complaint? Meet it. Then the talk of pre-emptive strikes is off the table. You'll gain more security in the long run anyhow. You might announce it similar to this: "We accept the United States' invitation to assist in stabilizing an inherently unstable region. While we applaud their efforts to restore order in the wake of removing the regime, we are sensitive to their desire to consult with regional powers. As a show of good faith, we will concede to their request that..." [I'm not sure what the details of Cheney's cockamamie demands are. But you get my point...]

I suspect that Cheny's influence on the military is now zero. The military is not controlled by the Bush Administration anymore. And since the military is aware of Israel's true involvement in the matter, I suspect that Israel's ability to cause trouble is near zero.

A special note to Mr. Bush:

I do not apologize for the material I performed. I apologize for the viciousness of it, however. I hope you will understand that I felt it necessary to wake you from your trance.

You are not a dictator. You are not the Supreme Leader. You _are_ the President. Act accordingly. You make the decisions around there, pursuant to your _lawful_ authority. You may find it useful to cast the Jews out of your sphere. They have caused you nothing but problems.

Your rightful rehabilitation is entirely within your power.

US Military: Your Commander in Chief may be in danger from those who would take exception to his exercising his rightful authority. Protect him in his lawful endeavors.

USG LLC, state government, and local government: I am off-limits. I am out of the system. My behavior is at all times upright and I cause no one any problems. I do not wish to be disturbed in the enjoyment of my business. If I am perturbed in any way, I may make a mistake. I think we can all agree that I oddly have the ability to influence reality. It is in all our interests that I not make any mistakes.

As for my part, I have faith. My intent is pure. Lord, please let this deeply flawed man speak the right words.