Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh, no. It's the "N" word.

I see that Michael Richards, the actor who portrayed Kramer on "Seinfeld," let loose with a string of racial epithets in a comedy club after a group of niggers started acting like niggers.

I saw the video on CNN's website. The piece is called "Kramer Bombs".

Brief recap: Richards "deviates from his act" (as if that's somehow not permitted) to call a group of troublemakers "niggers." (I'm guessing they were up to no good. The man is not to going to waste his breath unless they were ruining the show.) The comedy club audience was shocked and grievously emotionally harmed by this monstrous string of phonemes. "How shall I ever survive this mortal wound?"

One man states that "everyone in the audience was offended" --presumably both nigger and black person alike.

(I will say that Mr. Richards should stop doing comedy clubs. Comedy does not happen there. People get upset when you say nigger or fag or kike or dike or fuckface or NiggerBrainKikeHeadFuckNut. And, no, there are no limits to free speech when the attempt is to reverse a disastrous public course toward unfree speech. The ideal condition, apparently, is where the entire population uses only the permitted 37 linguist-approved words.)

And using shocking words is an invaluable tool in breaking down the audience's resistance to ideas. You know, like that maybe torture isn't so cool and that babies really are not designed to have eyestalks.

It's mind control. Please don't get offended. It's nothing personal. If you want a clean and odor-free existence, please stay home and watch more TV.

(And really, the man's shocked outrage should have been directed at the thugs who made someone think of "nigger" as an apt word.)

And by the way, if you have the balls to yell out "you're not funny," then you had better damn well be ready to take whatever he gives you. Consider it a...special edition of the show...

A working thesis I'm toying with these days is that people become offended and bothered and creeped out by people who are more real than anything they've ever seen on TV.

And _that_ is creepy.