Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Here is a nice read for the Holiday.

It's an enjoyable, long two-parter about the Iraqi misadventures of USG LLC know-nothings.

Part One
Part Two

If anyone in this whole mess comes out smelling like a rose, it's Colin Powell. He's the only one who ever spoke the truth (unless he had been fed lies --no one else in that mess can claim that defense.)

I even remember that one time when Powell was giving an interview on TV and he started speaking the truth. His assistant Emily --if memory serves, her name was Emily, and if it does then I applaud my own powers of recollection even more than usual, as this event happened several years ago and I saw it on the TV only the once-- Emily tried to stop the interview. Powell says --again if memory serves-- "Emily, get out of the way, you stupid cunt. I'm trying to talk."



There is a part in section two that describes the wholesale firings of Baath party members from the Iraqi government and the dissolution of the army. This is, of course, kind of a bad idea if you want the Iraqis to "stand up" and be the guarantors of a flourishing, purple-fingered democracy.

The proffered excuse now is what I call the "Whoopsie Daisy" defense. It goes like this: "We made a mistake and could not have foreseen the results of many disparate points of information. It's a complex system, really. You can see that, can't you? What time is lunch?"

This was not a mistake. "Mistakes" rarely happen in geopolitics. And since we now see that chaos in the region was the desired state all along, this makes perfect sense. The result of this chaos has been the uncontestable, complete destruction of the Iraqis' minds and their society.

Who might have desired chaos in the region? Hmmm... The same people who regard Muslims as sub-human? The people who moan and wail about the world's devilish penchant for genocide? Ohh... Who could it be?...

"Give us a performance, won't you? How about some tears? [gives a tickle under the chin] Come on, even one? Just like in that black-velvet painting of the moon-eyed clown seeking our pity with that one, scintillating tear? Come on... Don't let us down... Give us the performance of your collective lives... Ohh... The show's falling apart, isn't it? Structural flaws... contrived pathos... genocidal tendencies... Can we at least have a quivering chin?"