Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lawfulness and Free Government Grants

You will notice the legal mechanisms that have turned power over to the Department of Homeland Security. This is your new de facto national government.

The Congress is powerless.

George Bush is powerless.

You now see Michael Chertoff calling the shots. The Department of Homeland Security is the governing body which is designed to interface with the populace. It is run by entities which control the military as well as lie-conduits in the press, especially television.

To those with an exacting sense of the legal, the Department of Homeland Security is perfectly legitimate, and is the rightful successor to the United States Government.

If you look closely, you will see that DHS has the legal power to do nearly anything.

The only problem here is one of lawfulness. There is a sort of...discontinuity error here. DHS found its legal genesis in legislation that was passed

1. Without having been read, and,
2. In the wake of the 9-11 lie.

DHS could not have been created except in a climate of subterfuge.

Department of Homeland Security lacks an important element of moral legitimacy: It's not lawful.

Now, if you are one who is clamoring for more War on Terror Dollars for your city, then lawfulness is not a consideration.

But if your guiding principles are decency and liberty, then you will have no problem ignoring the edicts of this unlawful organization.

It's a personal choice, really. And don't expect your new government to defend you in your stand for lawfulness. That's not what government's about see.