Friday, August 04, 2006

Amateur Hour

I have noticed a significant increase in attempts to diminish the power of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

The 9-11 actors know full well that its most formidable foes are the comedians. The 9-11 actors are trying to devise methods of engaging or marginalizing them. But as I have pointed out before, it is extremely tactically difficult to engage a comedian. He will not permit you to know what is real... It is not possible to fight something that is not see. And I'm not real. And that's why I will win. You see.

The comedian will always win. So don't bother. And don't try being funny yourselves, because you're not. ...Unless you're headlining at the Bust-a-Gut Lounge. And you know what kind of crowd they get there...


And I will point out that the weakness of television as a distribution mechanism for the that the medium is so old that it has been regulated to near death over the years. And the costs of distribution are too high. Therefore, they could shut you down by eliminating your sponsors...or by screwing with your labor.

On the internet, however, no one can shut down a show whose distribution costs are ten dollars a month for unlimited bandwidth.

You will want a backup medium.


Postscript 8/6/06

I don't mean to imply that those two are engaged in 9-11 material, nor do they plan to be. The medium probably wouldn't allow it anyway. But the 9-11 actors are scared shitless of these people regardless. The curious increase in the instances of questioning the power of these two just seems a bit hinky. The 9-11 actors will pay people to raise such issues.