Wednesday, August 16, 2006

9-11 Truthers

9-11 Truthers,

Many already know and live this caution. But I would remind those who may have forgotten:

Ignore the carnival barkers. They will attempt to muddy the waters with lies, in the hope that you will seize upon one of them and discredit yourself.

I have chosen the following linchpin events as proof that something is amiss:

1. WTC building Seven. How did it fall right down?

2. WTC buildings One and Two. How did they fall at near free-fall speed?

Proceed from those two anomalies and you'll unravel the whole lie.

If you are one who is not well versed in the methods of The Perpetrators, you should grab hold of things with caution.

Beware the United States Government. The executive branch is infested with 9-11 actors.

And leave it to me to give The Cucka People hell. I have prosecuted my show in such a way as to be impervious to their charges of being ContraThem. I will exact my revenge on the salesmen of lies. You will watch. That is the relationship here.