I'm happy that you are all salivating over the new and wondrous economic abominations that you can legislate into existence, but there are some things I would like you to keep in mind:
ALL post-9/11 security-related legislation must be rolled back. (It was all based on a lie. [wink wink] You know which one I'm talking about.) The police state must be dismantled. I. want. that. fuckin shit. gone. like now.
I want to be able to drink hair gel on an airplane if I want. (Assuming that I am even permitted to board one anymore, which I doubt.)
I want those ex-welfare-recipient TSA losers fired. Security is the province of the airlines.
I want DHS destroyed and Michael Chertoff arrested.
I don't ever want to see another machine gun on the street again.
I want to be able to buy a pallet of MREs and a keychain radiation detector without some government loser interfering in the transaction.
I want you out of my email and out of my telephone calls.
I want military activities in Iraq ended within a year.
I want 9-11 actor Israel denied any further financial or military aid. Without it, they will erase themselves. Good riddance.
It's not business as usual. I want some earth-shaking changes around here.
Without all the above, I do not even recognize that entity's claim to legitimacy.
Got it?