Thursday, September 14, 2006

See? I told you.

"Drinkers earn 10 to 14% more money at their jobs than nondrinkers - and men who drink socially, visiting a bar at least once a month, bring home an additional 7% in pay, according to a new study."


And those who drink a twelve pack per night get to work at the gas station. ...And save the metaverse...


I will point out that I drink only quality beers. No garbage beer. It's bad for the body.

I can drink a twelve pack and go to bed at 3 am and read a chapter in a book and be up at eight. Good beer will do you good.

I think that beer is better than liquor because it is chiefly water. A beer contains all the water necessary to metabolize the alcohol. It's a perfect product. You can get hammered and get up and mow the lawn. What more do you want?