Apparently I mistook the definition of "Apollo's Belt" for "paunch." ...Big difference.
This is something new for me. I wear size thirty pants and always have. I have rarely deviated from my svelte 132 lbs, which is what I weighed when I graduated high school. And now I can stick a cigarette in my belly button.
My belly is bigger now. I can't wear my tight shirts anymore.
And I know why: I skillfully negotiated myself a raise when I went back to work at the gas station. I demanded two meals per day. (They have a deli there and I don't cook, so it's a match made in heaven.)
The plain truth is that I've been fattening up over the past few months.
What's it like to have a pot belly?... I'm looking forward to finding out what it's like. I now have a belly that I can satisfiedly rub and croon over and whisper to.
So I want you all to enjoy my plump little belly with me. It'll be our new mutual exploration.
Maybe you can rub it, too, someday. And croon.