Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Only Conspiracy Worth Talking About

A friend of mine once said, "If we could only discover the identity of the coach driver, we could stop the conspiracy."

That is a fool's errand. You could finger him, just to have someone else climb on as driver.

The love of money is the root of all evil. It produces RadioBombs and boys with holes drilled in their heads and poverty and all manner of dehumanization. And as long as people worship money, evil will exist.

And when a governmental system is solely geared toward protecting economic interests, you guarantee that that government's fruits will be evil.

I like to call money "3-Space energy." It rots. As a "god" it is inferior to time domain energy. 3-Space energy is a manifestation of time domain energy.

There appears to be going on a timeless battle between 3-Space energy and time domain energy. Since the latter is the source of the former, you can see who will win.

People become seduced by 3-Space energy because it seems the more tangible of the two. But that is a mistake, because time domain energy is far more powerful.

These are forms of 3-Space energy:

Every organism has an innate desire to store an amount of 3-Space energy: Store some food, build a nest egg, make sure you've got enough oil for the winter, etc. In some people, I believe, this innate desire takes on a pathological form: They seek to control everything. It may be related to procreative desirability: "I can provide for all your offspring."

If I wanted to rule the world --which is a common pursuit among those with that pathology-- I would seek to control its energy. I don't care who resides in the boardroom of a factory if I have the ability to pull the breaker in the cellar. If I have the power to pull the breaker, then I run the factory.

The evil that you see in the world is a battle to control the world's energy. And behind that still further is a battle between the gods of 3-Space energy and time domain energy.

Their earthly actors come and go. It's not wise to become fixated on discovering them. But you might as well know who the current coach drivers are: They're the ones who want to control the energy. They want to control the oil. And it's not about money. It's about total control of the planet.

And when your government is geared toward protecting these crass commercial interests, you guarantee yourselves a perfect hell on earth. Because they will stop at nothing to defend their control.

When such a system of control is set up, it becomes, quite tangibly, the earthly conduit for that lesser god. The expression of evil occurs within this system of control. It has to, because outside of such a system of control, no one would buy such an ugly product. "Satan" is forever willing to spring forth wherever such systems of control exist. Police state not good.

This pathological desire to control things explains why there is a lot of wreckage along the road to alternative energies. Because if you don't need their oil, their power disappears. What's it matter if I can pull the breaker, when you can run an extension cord out the window and down the street?

As alternative energies go --hydrogen and biomass and all those-- they really are not different from oil; they all are the same in that they are used to perform work. They are all forms of 3-Space energy. With each, you are converting 3-Space energy into another form of 3-Space energy.

What if you go directly to the well and harvest time domain energy? You'd have a limitless supply of energy. No drilling in the ground, no polluting of rivers, no oil wars, no RadioBombs, no emissions... ...heat in the winter for all, flying cars, inexpensive food... ...You'd have a heaven on earth, by comparison. You'd have so much energy that you could even afford to run machines that dump wasted thermal energy back into the time domain.

Can your technology achieve this? Yes. You do it all the time. But you ignore the Heaviside component. And that's for a reason. Because if you were to exploit the power of the Heaviside component, you would be free from your shackles.

Some people find this very dangerous.

"Free energy is kookie! Perpetual motion machines don't exist. That's crazy talk."

My answer is this: Conservation of energy occurs in four dimensions, not three, stupid. Go back to'll get even smarter.

So go directly to the well and shove aside the peddlers of death and destruction. They're vile people. The systems of control that they erect are antithetical to all that is good. And they promise only a perfect hell on earth and the total enslavement of your species --whether they know it or not. They, too, are useful idiots, because their god is always waiting to spring forth. And he has been clever enough to conceal his true nature from them...


I maintain that the combination of advanced technology and earthly government yields only two theoretically possible outcomes: Total enslavement of the human population, or destruction of the planet --as various groups vie for control of the enslaved population. That is why you can't have government anymore. Thinking that doesn't make me an anarchist; it makes me reasonable.