Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"Keith Olbermann Receives a Death Threat, and the New York Post Thinks It's Pretty Darn Funny"


Some tips for surviving in a post-coup world:

1. Ignore JewPaper. JewNews, too. As a matter of fact, ignore all Jews. Their function is to service white people's needs. The Sayanim are natural-born cocksuckers, you know. It's what they're bred to do. When you're done coming, send them on their way. ...Tip them if you must. Compliment them on their pretty, big nose.

2. The Feds are not your friends. They are there to torture and kill you. Have no contact with them.

3. Answer the door with a gun on your belt and a smile on your face. Be emotionally prepared to use them both.

4. Hire a private outfit to go through your mail. Private industry can quickly equip itself to cope with these threats. As a matter of fact, in the near future private industry will act to defend your property and liberty against the thieving and torturing Feds. can be better spent elsewhere apparently...