Sunday, May 28, 2006

America's Brave

Some Marines executed some people and then took pictures. Maybe they jerked off to the photos later.*

So in five short years, America has become HappyJerkOffCountry, you know, AssBananaLand. That's how AIPAC --and its donors-- like it. No matter; their first allegiance lies elsewhere anyhow. Let someone else dirty their hands...


*I get the part about savagery occurring during armed conflict. These things happen. That's why you don't want armed conflict, especially for something so crass as the defense of economic interests.

And I will add that when I was in the military, it was explained to us that we had the moral authority --and responsibility-- to immediately execute anyone who would have carried out such an act.

The military appears unfit to conduct itself. Guns cannot be wisely borne by those with bad philosophy. Perhaps the military needs to be placed into moral receivership.