Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I would like to share with you an interesting moral conundrum.

The Executive branch has allowed itself the power to ship you off to be tortured and killed, evidence be damned. If you allow a federal agent to place a pair of handcuffs on you, you face a real likelihood of being tortured and killed.

You can see that it becomes eminently moral to defend yourself against any federal agent who may threaten you with even mere handcuffs.

This cannot be denied.

As I am fond of saying, "If you come for me, I will kill your fuckin ass. And in another, more rational, non-television-watching age, this would be considered reasonable and moral behavior." Point is, don't come around to deliver so much as a fruit basket. Cuz I'm not interested...

Can you now appreciate the moral fix the feds have gotten themselves into? It is now morally proper to kill them in self-defense. This is not hyperbole.


The Department of Homeland Security --an unlawful organization-- has access to legal mechanisms by which local law enforcement may be employed to arrest someone for the purpose of delivery to the feds.

It then becomes morally proper to kill any local law enforcement officer who may threaten you with something so mere as a pair of handcuffs. This is not hyperbole.

This is a moral fix that the states will want no part of.

The states must explicitly forbid their local and state law enforcement to cooperate with DHS. Furthermore, DHS agents must be arrested.

And then we can dismantle DHS at our convenience.

...And arrest Michael Chertoff...who, by the way, operates only under color of authority. His actions then become felonious. He now knows this. And this adds another dimension to his crimes.

The restoration of decency and justice is its own legal mechanism. Any federal or state agent is thereby empowered to obstruct DHS.

...And that agent will have the protection of the Citizens Lawful Government Tribunals. And any who would frustrate him will have its...interest...