Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just so you know...

I had been meaning to say: In an earlier joke I made a sock-in-the-dryer reference.

I don't know what comedian, if any in particular, had become associated with the "sock in the dryer" routine. Or even if this is just an urban legend that I had somehow picked up somewhere. I don't watch much TV, so there is a "lot" that I "don't" know.

When I first decided that I would become a pop icon, I watched that documentary about Jerry Seinfeld.

It followed him over a year or two as he developed an entirely new act after his Seinfeld show.

I also bought this DVD collection called "America's Funniest HaHa Time." I hated everyone on it immediately.

The comedian who got me through those excruciatingly painful first six months was Jerry Seinfeld.

He really seemed to get it.